Fake Telegram members
First of all, we need to understand what Fake Telegram members are and why we call them Fake Telegram members. Any number that becomes a member of Telegram by an advertising service company for the purpose of advertising is called Fake Telegram members. These Telegram accounts are completely real, they have real numbers, but they are not managed by a human, so they will not have any activity in your channel or group after being added.
The first question that is asked is why should we buy Telegram fake member?
The answer to this question is very simple, you have two ways to add member fakes to your Telegram channel or group. The first one is to buy fake members and the second way is to create fake members by buying a large number of your own virtual numbers and add them to your channel or group. Definitely, the second way will be very costly and illogical for you, so the best solution is to buy a fake member.
How can i Buy Telegram subscribers ?
If you have just established a channel or group in Telegram, or you have a channel or group that has a low number of members, Buy Telegram members is a smart solution for you….
Why do I have to buy member for my channel or group?
Each user who enters your channel or group The first thing they look at is the number of your members. Suppose a user is currently logging in to your channel or telegram group, it is likely that this user will be a member of your channel or group if The higher the number of your members, the more. For example, for every 100 users who log in to your channel, if you have 10,000 members, 40 people will become members, and if you have only 30 users, 1 person will become a member.
Is it useful for me to buy fake Telegram members?
Yes – it helps a lot in the process of attracting members and increasing sales of your products
How to increase Telegram Subscribers?
Telegram channels is a great way to broadcast a message to a large set of audiences instantly. Having a large subscribers count in your channel would make real members attracted to your channel. You can start advertising in your channel and make huge money after attracting subscribers for it.Using our telegram fake member adder you can do this easily with the lowest cost.
how to get fake telegram subscribers?
There is a very simple way, select Fake Telegram member from the Telegram Service option on our site Menu. Then you will see all our services related to fake telegram members and you can purchase a service that suits your business needs.
How much can you increase my channel members?
We can add more than 1 million members to your channel or group in Telegram, but for more than 50,000 members, there are conditions that will provide you with all the necessary information if you need to purchase these services.
Are the members we buy permanent and stay on the channel?
We do our best so that the members who are added to your channel stay in your channel forever. But this depends on Telegram updates.
how to add fake members in telegram channel for free?
Unfortunately, there is currently no free plan for the fake telegram members service, and the lowest service you can buy will be 1000 fake members. To test our services, you can use Telegram post views bot free, which gives you a thousand free initial coins.
Will my order be given as a gift?
Yes, all orders receive a gift. up to 20% ( example : You buy ten thousand members, so you will receive between ten thousand and twelve thousand members )