Privacy and freedom of use are two critical features that rise above others for Telegram users. Another neat function is creating a profile link so that users do not need to provide phone numbers to connect with each other. This guide will explain how to find, set up, and share your Telegram profile link, as well as some privacy settings that will allow you to control who sees your details.
What is a Telegram Profile Link and Why Use It?
Telegram profile links are URLs associated with accounts on You-Messaging. It is generated upon the creation of an account to the website’s owner username and can be accessed through the structure;
. This way, when this link is given out, other people will be able to reach me on Telegram without having to know my phone number.
Benefits of Using a Profile Link:
- Privacy Protection: Allows you to connect with others without sharing your phone number.
- Professional Sharing: Share your Telegram link on social media, business cards, or websites for easy communication.
- Convenience: Enables people to message you directly by clicking your profile link.
Setting Up or Modifying Your Telegram Username
To have a profile link on Telegram, you need to set up a username. Here’s how to make or edit your username on mobile devices as well as on desktops.
For Mobile Devices (Android and iOS):
- Open Telegram: Launch the Telegram app.
- Access Settings: Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines on Android, or gear icon on iOS) and select Settings.
- Set or Change Username: Under your profile, tap Username.
- Choose Your Username: Enter a unique username. Telegram will indicate if it’s available with a green checkmark.
- Save Changes: Tap the checkmark to save your username.
For Desktop (Windows and MacOS):
- Open Telegram Desktop: Start Telegram on your computer.
- Open Settings: Click the menu icon in the top-left corner and select Settings.
- Edit Profile: Click Edit profile and then Username.
- Choose a Username: Enter a desired username and check availability.
- Save Changes: Confirm your choice to save your new username.
Important Tips for Choosing a Username:
- Usernames must be at least five characters long.
- You can use letters, numbers, and underscores.
- Avoid using personal information or sensitive words for privacy and professionalism.
Finding Your Telegram Profile Link
After setting up a username, Telegram creates a profile link for you in the format
, which can be used to facilitate contact. Anyone who has this link can reach you on Telegram directly.
Steps to Find Your Profile Link:
- On Mobile Devices (Android and iOS):
- Open the Telegram app and go to Settings.
- Your username will be displayed below your name in the profile section.
- Your profile link is simply
- On Telegram Desktop:
- Open Telegram Desktop and click Settings.
- You’ll see your username in the profile section.
- Use
as your profile link.
Managing Profile Link Privacy Settings
Using a profile link will help many people to see you on telegram and this is good in case one wants to ease the availability. However, this can become unfavorable if you cannot control who contacts you and your personal contact details.
Control Who Can Find You by Phone Number:
- Open Settings in Telegram.
- Go to Privacy and Security > Phone Number.
- Choose who can find you by your phone number: Everybody, My Contacts, or Nobody.
The Telegram profile link feature allows other users to access your profile without the need of your telephone numbers or even swapping them. By creating a username, one can create a profile link which encodes their contact information and eliminates needless interactions while giving the user control. You can also set preferences on who can locate you, who can communicate with you, and who can view your profile picture. This ability to control the settings offers excellent privacy to users of Telegram.
Please take into consideration the sensitivity of the information contained in your profile link when posting it. However, thanks to this guide, you can post a telegram link or any other link that leads other people to your account freely without worrying about the other person’s privacy and how they manage it in the app.