Privacy, speed, and advanced features have gained the attention of Telegram users making it one of the leading messaging apps in the world. Swift, automated tools called bots are a big plus, as they can assist with various tasks, including managing groups, providing weather forecasts, or even playing games. If you have not used Twitter’s bot feature yet, you might be asking yourself, “How do I begin using a bot on Telegram?” In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to find and use a bot, as well as explain its features’ implications for the user experience.
What Is a Telegram Bot?
Before proceeding with the instructions on how to utilize bots, the first thing worth doing is clarifying what a Telegram bot is. A bot is an automated account created to perform specific tasks. These bots are programmed using Telegram’s Bot API and can cater to a range of needs including as offering quick information, scheduling tasks, gaming, and even offering customer support.
Some popular examples of Telegram bots include:
- Weather Bots: Weather forecast for any location you want.
- News Bots: Updates on your selected news channels.
- Utility Bots: Automate file conversion, translation, and reminders.
Bots enhance the Telegram experience, and the best part? Starting one is incredibly simple.
How to Start a Bot in Telegram: Step-by-Step Guide
Starting a bot in Telegram is easy and takes only a couple of minutes. So these are the steps to allow you to become one of the bot users without any hassle.
1. Open Telegram
To get started, check that you have installed the Telegram application on your phone. It is supported for all devices: iOS , Android , Windows , macOS and web. In case you haven’t logged in before, once the app gets installed, sign in with your mobile number.
2. Find the Bot
Telegram bots can be found mostly in two places, or by two methods:
- Search Directly in Telegram:
- Open Telegram and tap the search bar at the top.
- Type the name or purpose of the bot you’re looking for. For example, if you need a currency converter, search for “Currency Converter Bot.”
- A list of related bots will appear. Choose the one that matches your needs by tapping on it.
- Use a Bot’s Username (ID):
- If you already know the bot’s unique username (e.g.,
), type it into the search bar. - Telegram will display the bot, and you can tap on it to access its profile.
- If you already know the bot’s unique username (e.g.,
3. Verify the Bot
Begin with verifying the bot you find. Most bots that are verified will have a small blue mark next to the name of the bot. Otherwise be careful in interacting with random bots as they may sell spam or may be a scam. In telegram groups or forums, look for their performance reviews or ratings to make sure you work with a reasonable bot.
4. Tap the Start Button
You can find the Start button on the bottom of the screen once you tap the chat of the bot. This is tapped when someone wants to perform an action with the bot of the application
Here’s what happens when you press Start:
- The bot sends a welcome message introducing its features.
- A list of available commands or options is typically displayed.
- Some bots may require additional input, like your location or preferences.
5. Follow the Instructions
Bots usually provide clear instructions or menus to guide you. For example:
- A weather bot may ask for your location to provide forecasts.
- A news bot might let you select topics of interest.
- A shopping bot may offer a catalog of items.
Interact with the bot by typing commands or selecting buttons provided within the chat.
Starting interactions with the bot is as simple as searching for your desired bot, pressing its username, and clicking on the start button. The number of options of sustainable improvement of Telegram due to bots is infinite, whether it is playing, increasing your productivity or business. This guide details rates at which users can engage with and enjoy the benefits of the bots in telegram.