Telegram Views Bot: @eagleviewsbot
We have provided a telegram robot which you can use to increase the views of your posts (You can increase the number of visits of each post up to 50,000). For example, if your posts normally get 10,000 views, you can boost it to 60,000.
Its name is Eagle. tap on @eagleviewsbot and /start the bot to boost your Telegram post views. You can also get 5,000 FREE views as a new user in our bot 😊
What is Telegram?
- Telegram is a popular social network in all over the world. At the moment, it has more than 600M monthly active users and this amount is growing gradually. Probably, telegram will seize Facebook’s place and will rank first in popularity and the number of monthly active users among these kind of applications.
How telegram views work?
- One of the good features of telegram is the ability to create channels and groups. Groups don’t have post views which means the messages that are sent in the group don’t show the number of visits they have got. And this feature is only for the channels.
How many views should I get in my channel to look professional?
- It really depends on how many members you have. For example, you create a telegram channel, then after the creation you want to buy telegram members. For instance, you purchase 50k members from us and now your channel has 50k members, and according to this number of members, each post in your channel should get between 3k to 5k views in 24 hours. The members you purchase usually visit channel posts very rarely, so you’ll need to buy post views as well.
What Is the importance of telegram views?
- One of the biggest problems in most Telegram channels is the small number of posts and the mismatch of views with the number of channel members.
Most channel creators are forced to buy members due to the long and costly process of channel growth and development. Then they are faced with the issue of a significant difference with the number of channel members and post views, which is a major obstacle to the growth and development of the channel.
The high number of channel views increases the rate of new user attraction, improves the credibility and popularity of the channel, increases the efficiency of advertising.
Definitely no one likes a channel with little views, this issue instills the feeling of low channel audience and by its nature the repugnant of the channel and distrust to your user or customer.
The services we provide in our telegram views bot (@eagleviewsbot):
- Single post views:
In this section you can order views for one post, for instance if you only have one post and you want to increase the views of it, you should tap on single post views. (The minimum order is 25 and the maximum is 50,000 views)
- Multi post views:
In this section you can order views for a group of posts, for example if you have 50 posts and you want each of your posts to get 5,000 views, you should use this feature. You have to pay attention that there are enough coins in your account (1 coin = 1 view). for getting 5,000 views for 50 posts, you have to have at least 250,000 coins in the bot.
- Auto post views:
This is the most popular feature of the robot. When using it, you have to add the robot to your channel and you also have to modify the number of views you want to get automatically after posting. For example, you need to get 4,000 views for each post you put in the bot, so you have to type 4000 in the bot.
How many views can you get through eagle bot?
- The daily capacity of our robot Is millions of views per day and you can buy unlimited coins, the coins you buy in the robot have no time limit and do not expire!
Therefor you can use them whenever you please. You can order views from 25 to 50k views per post!
Why should you increase the number of post views?
- Undoubtedly, as the admin of a Telegram channel, you know that posting each post in your channel, the members of the channel view them, and you can see how many members have seen each post with the number besides eye emoji (👁️) at the bottom right of each post. The main reason for business owners to pay attention to the number of views of posts is that The more views your posts get, the more credibility you will gain for the channel and in fact, the more views your posts get, the more users will trust you easily.
If I buy telegram members , then why should I buy telegram views as well?
- Fake members are actually non-human users that only enhances the number of channel members. These members have no effect on the amount of post views as they are not humans. Fake members are also called offline or non-real members who have an account with virtual numbers on Telegram, and do not do any activity in the group or channel. Our fake members have real names and profiles so they look just like a human. All of them get online at a certain time and then they become offline. For telegram channel owners that are looking for increasing the number of their channel members quickly, we want to introduce a special offer to them. click here
If you want to look professional, after increasing the number of members on Telegram, you should buy Telegram views. This action will cause you to make a match between the number of channel members and the number of views, which will increase the credibility of your channel among users. You can contact our Telegram support (@Michaelshf) right now to get Free views on eagle bot and to ask any questions that you may have encountered.
Why should we use telegram views bot (@eagleviewsbot)?
- If you have participated in Telegram competitions and challenges, using this bot will be very suitable for you and will make you a winner. By buying Telegram views, you can be superior in all challenges and votes.
- We also offer discounts and reasonable prices with special plans for channel owners who buy millions of views.
- By purchasing telegram views for your channel, you can get a lot of views for your posts at a low price, and match the number of channel members with the number of subs.
- Imagine you enter a store channel through advertising and you see that the views are all below 100, this will definitely have a negative impact on your mind. Advertising and attracting the audience is very difficult without high number of views and high number of members, and it will It will slow down your improvement and growth of the channel, and advertising without reasonable number of views on Telegram posts will not be very effective.
- You can also determine the speed of getting views in our bot.