You can buy telegram members from up to 1,000,000 members.
One of the services of our site is selling Telegram member, which has two types, real and Bot , The real member is added to your channel or group as a force add, and the Bot members are virtual account accounts that are added to your Telegram channel or group.
There are 2 ways to increase your channel / group members in Telegram. (Long method and fast method)
Long method :
In the long run, you increase the number of members of your channel by placing quality content and sharing with similar channels.
Fast method (recommended) :
In this way, you buy a member for your channel / group at a low cost.
for example : ( 1,000 Bot Members only 5$ and 10,000 Bot Members only 39$ )
Why buy member than for the channel or group?
Here’s an example of why you should buy a member for your channel or group to speed up your membership and sales:
The user enters your channel, the first thing the user looks at is the number of members of your channel or group, the user is much more likely to join if you have 10,000 members, as long as you only have 50 members !
How to add a member to the public channel of the Telegram?
After you create a channel and use Public mode, you can add up to 200 members from your contacts to the Telegram channel using the steps below: Enter your channel
Click on it to log in
Select Membership Settings
Then select the Add member Settings
Choose the contacts you want to add (if you use Official Telegram you can add 200 members together)
After completing the steps above, the contacts will be added to the Telegram channel, though this will allow you to republish your account.
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