A bot application developed for you by our team which is targeted at increasing the number of people who see your posts on Telegram. To advance and develop your channel, just put this ID. So that you can achieve your goal in the shortest time possible. Telegram views or how many people have looked at your post on Telegram, the number of viewers on telegram channels is an important factor for the channel owners.
Telegram is widely known as one of the fast growing social networks and many people subscribe to this social network with the aim of monetizing or building a large audience base. The possibilities improved and Telegram already has several million active users throughout its dose. Now telegram has offered subscribers and admins of telegram channels to view the posts on the telegram, this is a new feature and it is certainly a major factor in influencing the rating and popularity of the telegram channels. Hence, they would need to be boosted. Thankfully, you can apply our services and ensure that the credibility of your channel is intact for eternity.
How can I get free telegram post views?
From us, you can receive an amazing gift of 1000 views to any of your telegram posts for free. This is a display of our regard for our users. Making more post on the Telegram channel is clearly one of the essential actions which any user who thinks of being successful and famous on Telegram should take. Knowing this, we have made the simplest way to achieve that. Just visit our bot @EagleViewsBot. Now let us introduce this practical robot in detail.
Telegram post views bot @EagleViewsBot
This bot is specially designed by our team to increase telegram post views and is a valid service to get free telegram post views. But what makes this robot different from other services?
Features of @EagleViewsBot
Our bot offers many features:
Free telegram post views (1000 views)
Order to view a single post (display order for one post)
Order multiple post views (display order for several posts)
Automatic post views (after each post is sent to the channel, views will be sent automatically)
Other parts of the robot:
Account (including user information and the number of your coins)
Buy coins (you can buy coins with PayPal – Bitcoin, … – UPI)
Order tracking (you can check the status of an order that is in progress or finished)
Support: 24/7
How can the free telegram post views help me?
But how can this service and our robot help you? It is better to first review the importance of Telegram post views and the benefits of using our bot.
Increasing the credibility and value of the Telegram channel
As stated earlier, one of the criteria for subscribers off channel to consider its validity is the number of views of its posts. Whenever a user opens a channel, they look at the views on each post and determine whether or not they would like to join that channel. Businesses that sell goods over the Internet have to earn users’ trust and increasing the number of views of posts on Telegram is exactly what will assist you in doing so.
Boost your telegram
For all those who are asking how to grow your channel we advise using the free telegram post views service. Very often, when the views of the posts are increased, they lead to increased number of subscribers. This is a reliable method that all professional admins have been using. Overall, this service has received high satisfaction rating from all users.
Increase subscriber engagement
More or less, users of social networks stick to a particular trend. If people see a piece of content that has no engagement, they are not likely to be interested. Channels that have steep activity levels tend to get more audience satisfaction. Similar, posting more number of times to telegram channels is an advantage to your channel.
Can I buy Telegram views?
Single post views:
In this portion, you can request views for a single post, for example if you create posts but do not get the necessary views on them, you should click on the single post views button. (min : 25 and max : 50, 000 views)
multi post views:
Here you can order views for a batch of posts, for example if you have too many posts and want every post to be viewed five thousand times, then you should use this option. You have to bear in mind that, there are enough coins in your account though 1 coin =1 view. To acquire 50 posts at the rate of 5000 views each, it is a must to have not less than , 250,000 coins in the bot.
Automatic post views:
This is the newest and most outstanding feature of the bot where you apply it in a manner that requires the bot to be added to your channel and you also require to modify the target number of views after hitting the post. For instance, if you want 4000 views for every post you put in the bot, you need to type 4000 in the bot. Automatic Post Views help any user order a number of views for their posts just minutes after they go live, that number being whatever number the user selected using the tool.
Buy Telegram post views + free telegram post views on @EagleViewsBot
What packages are there to buy coins on @Eagleviewsbot? (1 coin = 1 view)
1k charges – Free
20 thousand charge – $5
100k charge – $22
500 thousand charge – $80
1 million charge – $150
* If you want to test the functionality of our bot, just start the bot on Telegram and use the free initial coins to test it. (Free coins are automatically added to your account, no need to send us a message.)
How to increase Telegram post views for free?
There are other methods that you can use to increase the views of your channel posts. These methods are not fast and require more time. But their importance cannot be neglected. It is better to know them and use them if needed.
- Advertisements in Telegram
- Transfer channel posts to other groups
- Advertising in other social networks
- Holding a competition and awarding prizes
- Publish related posts
- Pinning posts
- Reply to old posts
- Publication of attractive and useful content
This post was an absolute guide about how to increase telegram post views and the free telegram post views service. Our site accompanies You step by step until the desired goal is attained, and all the possible results are optimal. We welcome your comments and suggestions.