According to the new statistics of Telegram, the number of telegram channel post views is very important. Until some time ago, every admin and channel owner only tried to increase Telegram members and did not pay attention to the statistics of posts, which play an important role in analyzing and measuring the value of the channel. Currently, all users, especially people who plan to apply for advertising on a channel, pay a lot of attention to this important indicator. It is clear that knowing ways to increase telegram post views is important and you should spend time on it.
How does telegram count channel views?
As per the information Telegram employs several metrics for determining and evaluating the views of posted materials. The views on posts made by each user on different devices are tallied once. If a user is exposed to the same post once on a cell phone more than once, he/she only counts once. Another important aspect of this problem is that the person has to wait and give a little bit of time to each post so that the view of a specific user is counted in Telegram traffic. To put it in a more technical manner, the start of the visit counter does not commence with superficial browsing. Also, the successive posts falling within the same theme as that of the post already read are also considered as views when one post is read.
What is the importance of Telegram post views and why should they be increased?
It is now quite obvious that any channel or any group has an inbuilt requirement for some number of post views. For example, when any subscriber comes to a channel, they will probably see how many views a posts attract and how many users visits or have visited that particular channel when looking for new channels. A majority of people joining the venues are primarily interested in the content of channels and do not quite appreciate the concept of channels. For example, advertising may be a primary source of earnings, therefore number of views become as a valuable asset and may influence decisions on which channels to join. In general, the reasons for the importance of post views and the reasons for increase post views are as follows.
Increasing the credibility of a telegram channel
Without regard to the field in which your channel resides, it is important to remember that much of what the persons in their moderation endeavor comes down to increasing the views. Let’s imagine that you’re trying to set up a channel that focuses on making sales and you are working towards getting your members to buy something. If a user does not have any confidence in the channel in which to purchase a product from. It is unimaginable being in a situation where even for such cases as educational channels the number of post views is not relevant.
Increase telegram channel activity
What does an active channel mean? According to a survey of their Telegram users, a channel that has many subscribers and a high rate of interaction with them is considered active. Also, a channel whose posts have a lot of views and shows the attractiveness of the content of that channel is also at a high level of activity. Therefore, it is recommended that Telegram administrators take this issue seriously and analyze their channel as soon as possible and consider a series of strategies to increase post views.
Increase income from Telegram
In order to earn a lot of money from Telegram, you must pay attention to Telegram’s criteria for identifying a high-quality channel. To do this, Telegram pays a lot of attention to the number of subscribers and post views. The more valuable your channel have, the more money you can make from it. By having an active channel, you can increase the good position. In addition, increasing telegram views is a quick way for users to trust you and join your subscribers in the shortest possible time.
How can I get more views on Telegram?
In this part of the article, we introduce very simple ways that all Telegram channel owners can implement so that they can increase the number of post views and enjoy its benefits.
10 tricks to increase telegram post views
Some of these methods are small tips that are often ignored, and if you get to know them, your channel will improve significantly.
Pin specific posts
You may want to increase views to certain posts. For example, for store channels, they may plan to have a post to announce a discount, and if they pin it, it will attract a lot of attention. It also helps users to get information about your channel quickly.
Use previous posts
You can easily publish content that is related to the previous content as a reply. That is, if the news is related to a related topic, link it to the previous post and increase the views of the previous post. This work is also called content consolidation. If you use attractive titles, the user will be present in your channel for a longer time.
Optimizing posts
In order to increase views of a post, it must be attractive enough for the user. To achieve this goal, we need to optimize the post.
- The shortness of the post
- Selection of attractive headlines
- Use of image or video to increase the user’s pause on the post
- Readability of the post
- Content segmentation in case of publishing a long article
Use of hashtags
You must use hashtags to connect new content and posts to related content. Hashtag can connect the contents of your channel and can connect to the posts of other channels. This will make your posts to be seen when the user is searching for a specific topic and your post views will also increase.
exchange (reciprocal advertising)
This type of advertising, where two channels publish posts from each other’s channels at the same level, is called exchange. Exchange is suitable for all channels. Your channel can exchange with its similar channel in any position. It is a very convenient opportunity to advertise your channel completely free of charge. By using this method, you increase the total number of views.
Publish posts in related groups
Try to be a member of groups that have topics and themes related to your channel. This has several advantages. First, you can find out about important news. Second, you can identify people’s concerns and produce useful content. Next, you can share posts from your channel in those groups. It is better to make posts related to the topic of discussion. For example, suppose you have a drawing training channel and join art-related groups. You can send your posts to people who want to learn to draw.
Choose a suitable time
Giving a thought that you have studied your channel’s statistics and have analyzed the pattern of when your subscribers are active, select the time for posting now. Pick times to engage your post when a big percentage of users is on the network to increase post reach. Most of the time, however, late evenings are also an option. But that 100% is entirely up to you.
Post every day
A significant amount of Telegram views depends on your frequency of posting. There are, however, more chances that if many users receive notifications of your channel every day, you will grab the attention. And they may spend a bit more time on your channel.
Increase Telegram member
A connection exists between the number of members and those viewing the posts, views are a function of the subscribers. If you have many subscribers, the number of people who get to view your posts will also be high. Buy real members to increase your Telegram members. It is a good method that qualified administrators suggest and is quite simple to implement. If you are willing to buy telegram member, our support team would be happy to help you.
Buy telegram post views
The last and best trick is to Buy telegram Post Views. A quick way to reach your goal. It is advisable to utilize this alternative to initiate the work at hand, other methods being employed as a supplement to the initial method employed. An article on the site which is also a guide can also be used to increase the number of members of telegram channels.
How to buy telegram post views?
For the comfort of our clients, we have developed a robot which buys Telegram post views in the shortest time possible. Click on @EagleVieswstBot and enjoy your shopping in a new way.
What are the parts of @EagleVieswstBot?
@EagleViewsBot it is designed to fix everything you need. This robot is very easy to use. All you have to do is enter the menu and click the start option and place your order. The capacity of using this robot is millions of visits every day. You can buy unlimited coins. These coins do not expire and you can use it whenever you want.
Auto Post Views
One of the functional features of our robot is the ability to send Views automatically, you add the robot to your channel and any post that is placed in the channel will be visited automatically according to the number of views you have requested. (From 300 to 40 thousand views)
- Click on Auto post views.
- Click on Register a new channel.
- Enter the required number of views and speed.
- Add the bot to your channel and then forward a message from the channel to the bot.
- and you are all set!
Order Post Views
If you need View for a post, you can order from this section.
- Click on Order single post Views
- Enter the requested number of Post Views : Number between 300 to 40000
- Please enter the speed of completing your order.
- Forward your post to increase Post Views.
Completion speed: maximum speed
Start order: Immediate - Post Views order was successfully registered.
Order Multi Post Views
If you need to Views for more than one post, this part of the robot will help you.
- Order Multi post views
- Enter the requested number of post views : number between 300 – 40000
- Forward selected posts
- Post Views order was successfully registered.
Buy auto post views
One of the unique features of our bot is that you can Buy auto telegram post views. By using this feature, you no longer need to buy views for each post separately. You can enter the purchase menu of Post Auto visit in @EagleViewsBot and place the order by choosing the speed you want. Next, you need to add the bot as an admin in your channel. From now on, as soon as any amount of post views is published, it will increase according to the amount of your order.
In this article, we tried to provide a complete guide to increase Telegram post views. You can write us your suggested ways and if you have any questions, our team will answer you.